Contact Ethan E. Wise, MA to get started. In-person and online meditation training. Workshops, and group practice.
I will be able to work with you across the US, and internationally. I rarely see clients in person, in some cases I am able to in Minnesota, and southeast Arizona.
Send a text or voicemail to: 612-444-1167 and allow 3 days for a resply.
Below, find meditations that I facilitate. Contact me to request scheduling a meditation or group event.
What is meditation? The answer
What is consciousness? The answer
What is the ether? The answer
Group meditations and workshops offer the following experiences:
- Mindfulness meditation: 20 minutes, 45 minutes
- Body scan meditation
- Loving kindness meditation
- Gratitude meditation
- Forgiveness meditation
- Total relaxation meditation
- Mindful eating meditation
- Mindful walking meditation
- Spring Forest QiGong (SFQ): sitting meditation, standing practice
- Mental journeys (mind vacation) meditation
- Safe place meditation
- Laughter meditation or laughter yoga
- Pain reduction meditation
- Body healing meditation
- Feeling whole again meditation (reconnecting with self, reclaiming energy, cutting cords, protection)
- Yoga Nidra (AKA. hypnosis) meditation
- Inner child loving meditation
- Shamanic journey (spirit animal) guided meditation
- Manifestation meditations (learn more)
- Mutual blessing group (learn more)
- Couples and loved ones meditation, designed for couples, married couples, and family members (includes a variety of experiences, connection, forgiveness, etc)
- Honoring the departed (loss and grief healing) meditation
- Death preparation mediation, making peace with death and dying. Rehearsing dying.
- Emotional Release meditation
- 3rd eye opening mediation
- Non-dual & Advaita Vedanta meditation
- Contract revocation meditation (experience ending soul contracts, and other contracts)
Find events now: On Facebook
Find my official website:
www. Ethan E Wise .com
Experience connection
Experience forgiveness
Experience gratitude
Experience giving and receiving love
Experience peaceful healing time
Improve your ability to meditate
Release emotions and stuck energy
Turn your life into a living meditation
Find events now: On Facebook | Contact me at Ethan E Wise .com
Partnering with:

Sanctum Now!
Ethan’s website Ethan E Wise .com